Showing posts with label Tips & Trick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips & Trick. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Simpul Dasi ( Jenis Tie Knot )

Dalam Postingan ini saya akan share tips cara membuat simpul dasi jenis Tie Knot.
Bagi yang bosan simpul dasinya begitu doang tiap hari, gak ada salahnya mencoba simpul dasi baru seperti simpul simpul dasi berikut...

How To : Elredge Tie Knot

Elredge Tie Knot 

Tingkat Kesulitan : Sulit
Hasil / Gaya : Solid, Simetris
Banyak menggunakan panjang dasi 
(My Favorite, karna hasilnya yang sangat solid dan tidak mudah di acak-acak)


Trinity Tie Knot

Trinity Tie Knot

Tingkat Kesulitan : Sedang
Hasil / Gaya : Strip, Solid
Tidak terlalu banyak menggunakan panjang dasi ( Tidak seperti Elredge Tie knot )


Cape Necktie Knot


Cape Necktie Knot

Tingkat Kesulitan : Mudah
Hasil / Gaya : Simetris, Solid
Hanya menggunakan sedikit panjang dasi..


Truelove Necktie Knot

Truelove Necktie Knot

Tingkat kesulitan : Sangat Sulit
Hasil / Gaya : Solid
Banyak menggunakan panjang dasi..

Selamat Mencoba :)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Shortcuts Keyboard (Windows)

Shortcuts keyboard yang harus diketahui para pengguna Windows...

1 . CTRL + C ( Copy)

2 . CTRL + X ( Cut )

3 . CTRL + V ( Tempel )

4 . CTRL + Z ( Undo )

5 . DELETE ( Hapus )

Monday, August 12, 2013


#377 - Regirock#378 - Regice and #379 - Registeel
      It's still basically the same process as in Ruby and Sapphire. First of all, find a Relicanth (Route 124 and 126 Underwater) and Wailord (Evolve a Wailmer, fished with a Super Rod on Route 129, at lv40). Place them in your active party, along with Pokemon who can Dig, Surf and Dive.
Fly to Pacifidlog Town and head west through the fast currents. Stay close to the southern line of rocks that border the route. With enough luck (or careful planning) you should reach a small calm spot in the currents where you can Dive. Do so and follow the chasm down. You'll reach a Braille inscription instructing you to go up, so resurface and you'll find yourself in a cave.

Head to the rear of the cave and read the Braille message on the wall. Choose to Dig using your Pokemon and an entrance will open. In this new room, ensure Wailord is the first Pokemon in your party, and Relicanth is the last. Read the Braille message at the back and an earthquake will open the doors to three hidden caves around Hoenn.